Emergency Fire Calls:
709-891-2113 or 911
Burin Volunteer Fire Department
Training Nights -
Held every Tuesday night
Monthly Meetings -
Held every 2nd Tuesday Night
For further information, feel free to drop by the Fire Department or by phone:
(709) 891-1100
E-Mail Us!
Fire Department Officers
Reg Wareham – Chief
Albert Wakeley - 1ST Asst. Chief
Max Rose – 2nd Asst. Chief
Bill Dunne
Todd Hollett
Jamie Murphy
Douglas Wareham
Ignatius Tobin Justin Picco
Kevin Burke Richard Dibbon
Pat Kavanagh Brian Paul
Kirk Lake Scott Inkpen
Jeff Adams Jason Hollett
Jamie Taylor Nathan Tobin
Daniel Fitzpatrick Tyler Parsons
Lloyd Fudge Ronald Carr
Glenn Normore Dwayne Marks
The Burin Peninsula Health Centre is located in Burin, accessible off the Highway 220
The Burin Peninsula Health Centre has free parking available and accessible to all patients and their families. Disabled parking is available.
PO Box 340, Burin, NF, Canada A0E1E0
Tel: 709-891-1040
Fax: 709-891-3375