Waste Management
The new waste collection schedule for this portion of the region will be as follows:
Burin – Collection on Wednesday;
Proper Container
On collection day, waste bags must be placed at curb-side and covered with a net or placed in a roll-out bin approved for mechanical dumping. Roll-out bins are required to have a minimum wheel diameter of 12 in/30.5 cm, and must have a hinged lid that offers a tight seal, keeping pests and weather out and trash in.
Proper Waste Placement
Each household will have a maximum amount of 8 bags of waste per week to be collected; these bags must be placed within 6ft / 2m from the curb or asphalt.
Residential Bulk Collection Guidelines
A bulk curb-side collection service will performed on the second Wedesday each month for residents only. It is no longer necessary for resident to call the bulk garbage collection line.Residents will be required to place bulk items at curb-side no later than 8:00 a.m. on the day of collection.
Please note that the Whale Cove Metal Storage Facility in Burin is closed. No waste is permitted on this site. Violators will be prosecuted.
A complete copy of the Burin Peninsula Municipal Service Delivery Corporation Waste Collection and Disposal Regulations can be viewed online at www.burinpenwaste.com